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1. Dashboard

This guide provides a walkthrough on navigating and utilizing the system's dashboard. The dashboard offers a comprehensive view of the system's operations, including driver and customer data, trip requests, financial details, and system issues.

Driver Data

Step 1: Access the dashboard and find the driver data at the top. This displays the count of drivers registered in the system.

Step 2: Observe the data segregation which indicates the number of active drivers, newly registered drivers, and drivers blocked by the system.

Step 3: Verify the total number of online drivers in the system and click on the online number to view a list of online drivers.

Step 4: Filter the data to see the number of free drivers and those currently occupied.

Step 5: Click on an occupied driver to view their trip details.

Customer Data and Trip Requests

Step 1: Return to the dashboard and view the number of registered customers.

Step 2: Check the number of new customers and those the system blocks.

Step 3: View the total number of unique trip requests generated.

Step 4: Please refer to the right side of the dashboard to view the total trip amount generated from the day start date to the current time.

Financial Details

Step 1: Click on the total trip amount to view today's commission.

Step 2: Scroll down to the wallet section to view the credit balance received from drivers and the total cash balance of all drivers which can be withdrawable by the driver.

Step 3: Check the total amount topped up by customers.

Trip Request Analysis

Step 1: Scroll down to the trip request analysis where the admin can able to see the Trip statistics.

Step 2: View the number of trip requests generated at different times, the number of requests with no driver, and the number of canceled requests.

System Issues

Step 1: On the right side of the dashboard, you can view the number of new issues & SOS, along with their statuses, including New, Ongoing, and Closed by Administration. This data pertains to issues reported by users or drivers.

Step 2: At the bottom, view the number of canceled trip requests and their reasons and check the reasons for trip cancellations.

Data Filtering

Step 1: Use the filter feature to view data such as the number of trips generated from the corporate section and user side.

This concludes the guide on how to navigate and utilize the system's dashboard.