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7. Queue & Pickup Zone management

Discover how to set up the queue and pickup stand features. These tools are beneficial for both drivers and customers. The queue feature assigns a queue number to drivers, while the pickup stand aids customers.

Setting Up the Queue

Step 1: Click on Manage Options to start setting up the queue and pickup stand.

Step 2: Look for the Queue and Pickup Option.

Step 3: Click on the New option to set up the queue.

Step 4: After setting up the title, define the queue radius by searching and selecting the location. The system will display a predefined map that can be modified by the admin.

The queue feature also includes configurations for requests outside the predefined radius. If enabled, drivers can receive requests outside the territories. If disabled, drivers receive requests only from the defined territory.

The queue can be set up for all vehicles or specific ones.

Step 5: Once the configuration is set up, click on the Create button to finalize the queue setup.

The queue area is designated for drivers. By clicking on the Show Driver button, the admin can see how many drivers are in the queue based on vehicle type.

Setting Up the Pickup Stand

The pickup stand feature is activated once the queue is set up. It's beneficial for customers, allowing them to select a pickup location.

Step 1: Click on the New button to set up the pickup stand feature.

Step 2: Define the pickup stand title, then select the location for the pickup area.

Step 3: The system will select predefined areas on the map. The admin can define the radius by dragging on the map.

Step 4: Define the pickup standpoints by selecting the location from the defined area. The system only allows locations within the pickup area radius.

Admins can define multiple pickup stands. They can search for a location, and a pin will be dropped on that location.

Step 5: Enable the queue option and select the queue.

The pickup area should be within the queue area. If it's covered under the queue area, the queue feature allows the creation of a pickup stand.

When customers make a trip request from these areas, they select the pickup points. The driver then knows the customer's location. The queue and pickup stand features are typically set up at airports, hotels, or malls with multiple entry and exit gates.

The parking area for drivers is usually outside the location, so drivers don't waste time finding the customer's location. The customer makes a trip request with the pickup point, and the driver is notified of the customer's location.

The queue feature operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. The first driver to arrive receives the trip request first. This is how the pickup stand and queue feature works.