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5.1 Custom & Meter Price

Dive into this guide to learn how to set up pricing structures.

Step 1: Navigate to the "Vehicle Type and Pricing" sections. Here, find the options to set two different types of rates: a custom rate and meter pricing.

Step 2: Understand the "Custom Rate" feature. This feature calculates charges based on travel distance and ride time.

Step 3: Also, Set up the cancellation policy and waiting time charges. These are configurable based on the timeout features. After the timeout, the cancellation charges and waiting time charges apply to the trip.

Step 4: Create a "Meter Pricing" in two different variants.

Step 5: First variant is a "Range Price". This allows you to set a fixed amount for a trip within a specified distance range.

Step 6: Second variant is Set up "Per Kilometer Pricing". This allows you to define pricing based on distance, where the per kilometer pricing charges.

Note: With the per kilometer pricing, you're able to set higher rates for shorter routes and lower rates for longer routes. This is how to set up custom rate pricing and meter pricing.