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5.2 Zone Price

Learn how to set up zone pricing. This feature allows the admin to establish specific prices for certain locations.

Step 1: Navigate to the left side of the panel and click on the options to reveal the Manage Zone and Zone Pricing options.

Step 2: Before setting up zone pricing, the admin must define a territory for the specific locations. Click on the New option to set up a zone.

Step 3: While setting up the zone, the admin can define a zone type in three ways: pickup location, drop-off location, or both.

Step 4: Based on the selected zone type, Zone list will appear while creating a Zone price.

Step 5: If the zone is set up on a pickup location and the properties are set up, the properties will appear for the customer if they select a location within the defined boundaries.

Step 6: The properties feature is used to collect specific information from the customer. For example, flight number, airline name, etc. Also, To define a radius, enter the location and suggestions will appear.

Step 7: After selecting the location, define a territory on the map.

Step 8: Once the zone is defined, click Create to establish the zone.

Step 9: To set up property values, click on the Custom Field. Here, the admin can set up properties like flight number, etc.

Step 10: The admin can define how they want to collect information from the customer. This could be through a text box, date, multi-selection options, or a dropdown.

Step 11: Decide if this information is required to generate a trip. If it is, keep the option enabled and create the properties.

Step 12: When the system asks the customer for information, such as a flight number, they must provide it to make any bookings.

Zone Pricing Setup

Step 1: After setting up the zone, navigate to the Zone Pricing section to define different types of zone pricing.

Step 2: Click on the New button to define zone pricing for a specific location.

Step 3: When setting up the zone title, select whether the predefined zone will be listed.

Step 4: After selecting a Zone, admin can select any option so if customer Pickup location is from this radius then specific pricing will apply.

Step 5: Once the location is selected, the zone pricing setup can be completed.

Step 6: If the admin wants to apply surge pricing to increase the price value for this particular zone pricing, they can enable that option or turn it off.

Additional Charges Setup

Step 1: Set up additional charges. These charges can be applied to the location where the charge is given to the company or driver.

Step 2: Additional charges can be set up for things like toll amounts, which are typically paid by drivers at airport parking areas or other places. These charges will be taken from the customer and delivered to the driver or company, depending on the configuration defined here.

Pricing Setup

Step 1: The last configuration is to set up pricing for this particular location. Click on the Add Rise button to see a list of vehicle types where the admin can define a price in three different ways.

Step 2: The first option is the flat rate, where a flat amount will be applied to that particular trip because the zone pricing is applied.

Step 3: For other charges configured in the pricing section, select the custom rate or the meta price.

Step 4: Based on the selected price type, a list of pricing will appear. Click on the Create button to create zone pricing for that particular location.

If a trip is generated from this location, the specific pricing will be applied. This is how the zone pricing feature works.