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12.5 Taxi Driver Incentive Program Explained

Explore the newly introduced incentive features, tailored to reward drivers for completing a high number of trips.

Step 1: Select the resources option in the top bar menu.

Step 2: Locate and choose the promotions option.

Step 3: Click on the incentive option on the left side of the menu.

Step 4: Observe the incentives list. Admins have the ability to create a new incentive by clicking on new.

Step 5: Click on edit to view an existing ongoing incentive program.

Step 6: Establish the title for the incentive, which will be visible in the driver application.

Admins have the option to specify the wallet where drivers will receive the rewarded amount. In the YellowSoft application, drivers possess a cash wallet and a credit wallet.

Step 7: Opt to reward the amount in the cash wallet.

Or the credit wallet.

Time-Based Feature

Step 1: Set a specific time period for the incentive.

Step 2: Determine a start date and an end date.

Admins have the option to decide the interval for the incentive. If chosen as daily, admins have the ability to provide daily incentives to the drivers.

Vehicle Type-Based Incentive

Step 1: Construct an incentive based on vehicle types.

Step 2: Select a vehicle type.

Specific Driver Incentive

Step 1: Construct an incentive for specific drivers.

Step 2: Choose the drivers from the listing.

Incentive Terms and Targets

Step 1: Define the incentive terms.

Step 2: Choose the targets and determine the target ratio.

Activating the Incentive

Step 1: Once the incentive is created, activate it from the action bar by clicking on activate.

Step 2: Choose an end date for the incentive.

Step 3: Click on submit to activate the incentive program.

Incentive Details

Step 1: Click on the incentive title to view all the incentive details.

Bulk Incentive Application

Step 1: Admins have the ability to upload a CSV file of the list of drivers to apply the incentive in bulk.

Incentive Completion and Cancellation

Step 1: Once the incentive program is completed, it will automatically move to the completed tabs. If the incentive is cancelled at any point, it will be listed in the cancel tab.

Incentive Achievement

Step 1: Once the incentive is achieved, the data will be listed in the achieved sections.

In conclusion, admins have the ability to create incentive programs for drivers, motivating them to complete more trips and earn more incentives. This summarizes the purpose and functionality of the incentive program.