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9.1 Productivity

This guide provides an overview of the reporting structures in Yelowsoft.

These reports provide valuable insights into past activities, aiding in decision-making and business growth.

Start by clicking on the "Reports" tab.

This redirects to the report screen, displaying various reports categorized into four sections.

The first category is "Productivity".

Under this, find the "Ride History" option.

This feature allows the admin to view a list of ride histories, including completed, canceled, and driverless rides.

For more details about a specific ride, click on the ride number.

The "Filter" option allows the admin to refine the data. Click on the "Filter" option to access various filtering parameters.

These include customer, driver, payment mode, trip status, and corporate trips.

The admin also can filter data by date. Apply custom rates to check data accordingly. The admin also has the option to export the data.

The next productivity report is the "Pickup Point Heat Maps". This feature provides information on trip generation locations and their ratios.

Based on this data, the admin can strategically position drivers in high-demand locations.

The next feature is "Request Analytics".

This allows the admin to analyze data based on generated trips, including the total number of trips generated today, and their completion and cancellation ratios.

The admin can also apply date-based filters to this data.

The final report is the "Cancellation Report".

This crucial report provides insights into the main reasons for trip cancellations by drivers and customers.

This information aids in making future decisions for improving customer and driver satisfaction.

In summary, these reporting structures allow the admin to analyze productivity and enhance future rides.