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2.3 Dispatch Management

This guide provides a walkthrough of the dispatch management feature from the admin's perspective. This feature allows the admin to manage trip dispatching, including assigning and unassigning drivers and changing drivers for trips.

Dispatching Trips

Step 1: Navigate to the Ride listing screen. This is where the dispatching sections are managed.

Step 2: From this screen, assign a trip to a driver. For example, one trip has already been scheduled. The admin assigns this trip to a nearby driver who's online in the system or they can assign a trip to the offline drivers.

Step 3: Search for a driver to assign the trip to. Even if the driver is currently offline, if the system predicts they'll be available at the trip time, assign the trip to them.

Changing and Unassigning Drivers

Step 4: If a driver isn't able to do the trip, the admin can change the assigned driver by clicking on change driver button.

Step 5: If a driver is unavailable for any reason and no replacement driver is currently available, the administrator can unassign the driver from the specific trip.

Step 6: Once a driver is unassigned, they're removed from that particular trip.

Assigning Drivers and Sending Requests

Step 7: For the No Driver Trips, the admin has two options. The first is to assign a driver. The online driver list will appear, showing how far each driver is from the pickup location. This information helps the admin assign the trip to an online driver.

Step 8: The second option is to send a request. The admin sends a trip request with the same information, but a new trip is generated for that particular trip. The trip request is delivered to nearby drivers.

Step 9: The same process applies to active trips. The admin can unassign a driver or change the driver for active rides.

The ongoing operations update is delivered to both the customer and the driver. This completes the dispatch management flow for the administration part.